Good coaching always starts with a question. Where do you want to go?

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Areas of Focus

Coaching for Start-ups

From a good idea to the successful founding of a company: It is a structured process to develop a convincing, sustainable business concept. I will work with you to create a bank-focused business plan that fits to your individual business model and accompany you during the presentation to the banks until the loan is granted.

Business Consultation

To run your own company, you need to take chances and deal with risks. But which decision guarantees success in the end? Good business consultancy supports you to develop different perspectives on challenges and to integrate decisions into a strategy that will help you to grow. I will support you with my expertise.

Succession Planning and Business Takeover

Taking over a company is a major life decision. I can help you to find the value of a company, make a strategic finance plan and support you in the negotiations. Then you can be sure that you are making the right decision.

Personality Coaching

Behind every entrepreneurial personality is an individual with his or her own patterns of behaviour and communication. Some of these are conducive to a career, others can be a hurdle in certain situations. With my systemic coaching approach, I will help you to recognize undiscovered resources, overcome obstacles and develop your potential.

Career Coaching

If you want a new view of yourself, the desire for change is the most important condition. Regardless of whether you want to open up a new position in your existing employment relationship, are looking for a change or want to face the challenges of self-employment, I will accompany you in searching for and finding new professional goals.

Business Workshops

A company is only as good as its employees. Through interactive business workshops, I will support your team to fully utilize and increase its performance.
We will openly discuss your company challenges, which then become the starting point for the individual coping strategies which we will develop together.

What I Offer

Intelligent Strategies for Founders

  • Analysis of ideas
  • Business model
  • Bank-oriented business plans

Individual Concepts

  • Systemic approach
  • Made-to-measure solutions
  • Business administration expert

Professional Counterpart

  • Analytical skills
  • Structured approach
  • Operative experience

My consultations and coaching sessions are in English and German

Target Groups

Gastro & hotels

coffee shops, cafés, restaurants, bars, hotels, hostels


groceries, delicatessen, boutiques, online platforms


fashion, accessories, diy, arts, photography, design, architecture

Food & beverages

bread, pastries, cheese, coffee, tea, wine, kombucha, cold pressed juice

Wellness & sports

yoga studios, physiotherapist practices, gyms, ballet schools spas


agencies, self employed people, freelancers of all fields

About me

I want to support you to develop your ideas in goals, to create new perspectives for your potential and to explore individual strategies and solutions.


Stijn Remi & Lode van Zuijlen Lode & Stijn

Was uns damals gefehlt hat, war jemand, der uns bei der Hand nehmen konnte, um Dinge zu organisieren, die wir selber nicht gut realisieren konnten, weil wir die Kompetenzen nicht hatten. Wir waren erst seit drei Jahren Unternehmer. Das lernst du nicht in die Schule, das lernst du in der Praxis und dafür gibt es auch keine Lehre, das lernst du alleine (oder in unserem Fall zusammen). Als wir angefangen haben, mit Sonia zu arbeiten, haben wir diese Person gefunden. Die Zusammenarbeit mit ihr fühlte sich an wie ein Kompass.

Janne Kaas BTTR

Jeder Unternehmer in der Vorgründungsphase wird öfter von Zweifeln, Aufregung und der Frage: ‘ Was wenn das alles nur ein Hirngespinst ist? ‘ heimgesucht. Sonia hat die Gabe durch all die Verwirrung einen coolen Kopf und vor allem Durchblick zu bewahren. Mir persönlich hat es extrem geholfen, jemand an meiner Seite zu haben, der einem die Banksprache verständlich machen kann und aus ewigen Kalkulationen einen Sinn herausforscht und daraus ein nachhaltiges Geschäftskonzept entwickelt.
Aus meinem anfänglichen Traum hat sich mittlerweile ein tolles Geschäft inklusive Onlineshop entwickelt und dank Sonia überstehe ich die monatlichen Höhen und Tiefen mit mehr Selbstvertrauen - das wäre ohne Sonia nicht so weit gekommen.

Katja Lewina Schriftstellerin

Als ich ins Coaching kam, dachte ich, es ginge mir um Erfolg. Aber am Ende ging es um etwas ganz anderes: Mir selbst und meinen Fähigkeiten vertrauen zu lernen. Sonia Flöckemeier räumte mit meinen Zweifeln auf und suchte mit mir zusammen nach einer passenden Arbeitsstruktur. Ihr „Na klar schaffen Sie das!“, klingt in mir bis heute noch nach.

Albatross Bakery Anders Alkaersig

We have been working with Sonia since before we founded our company. Initially, Sonia provided much needed clarity in regards to the basics of founding a company. As we have progressed as a company, so has Sonia's role for us: The last 2 years, Sonia has primarily functioned as our administrative and bureaucratic heavy hitter. Among other things, Sonia has helped form and shape loan applications, she has been our liaison to the banking world both when our goals were growth and when it was to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Furthermore, she has had a 100% success rate with us.

Esther Perbandt Modedesignerin

In den letzten 10 Jahren habe ich Frau Flöckemeiers Coaching insgesamt dreimal in Anspruch genommen. Jedes Mal ging es um einen nächsten Wachstumsschritt meines Unternehmens, für den ich zunächst einen Businessplan und dann eine Finanzierung brauchte.
Immer war die Zusammenarbeit klar strukturiert und hat mir den Rücken gestärkt für meine Visionen. Auch die Finanzierung hat jedes Mal funktioniert.

I work with companies, start-ups, executives, freelancers and self-employed people

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Funding Opportunities

For founders and entrepreneurs in the initial phase, every euro counts. That is why numerous institutions offer financial support for founder coaching. I can advise and support you in selecting and applying for suitable funding for start-up coaching tailored to your needs.

Clients in Berlin. Clients in Germany.

Do you want to know more?

If you have any more questions about how coaching works or to discuss your individual needs please schedule a free, non-binding initial meeting.

+49 (0)30 826 71 72